Suck monster
Yup, this here be the Bonanzle blog. Like any newly founded blog, it will be founded with great aspirations that it never quite lives up to. Among those aspirations...
- Keep you up to date whenever with anything new and exciting happening at Bonanzle.
- Discuss special events happening at Bonanzle (there's a couple coming up soon that I aspire to mention in the next couple days).
- Introduce you to features you might not have known about.
- Let you get a look at what it takes to make a Bonanzle. (Psst... there's quite a bit of this going on here already).
- Share ideas for and events regarding the improvement of Earth.
What do you reckon? Oh, that's right, you won't reckon anything yet, because I haven't set up this blog to accept comments. Somebody
submit a feature request (objective #3: check)!
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