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The Grass is Greener at Bonanzle:  Our First (Real) Contest!
Sep 10, 2008

The Grass is Greener at Bonanzle: Our First (Real) Contest!

Many of you should have recently received our first ever Bonanzle newsletter, describing our first ever (real) Bonanzle contest, with an assortment of fun, exciting, and amusing prizes! For those who weren't signed up but like winning free stuff, read all about our contest here. It's gonna be a real hoot! P.S. Auroagg asked a good question recently -- what the invite link for you if you don't want to use the site's built in user inviter? It is: http://www.bonanzle.com/users/new?referred_by_user_id=[your user number] Your user number is the number you see when you look at the "My Bonanzle" page or your profile page. It they'll say something like http://www.bonanzle.com/users/500/my_bonanzle/ In that case, 500 is your user number. Also, as of tomorrow, you should be able to use your user handle in the link as well, so you could do: http://www.bonanzle.com/users/new?referred_by_user_id=bharding

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2 responses to The Grass is Greener at Bonanzle: Our First (Real) Contest!

renagade says: 09/10/08 at 19:22:30

Bill…. possable trouble with the link…I would not recommend using it until Bill gives the all clear!

renagade says: 09/12/08 at 17:33:28

Bill explained it to me…its all OK! )My Bad!)

Thanks for the great idea!!

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