111 EGG RECIPES by Mrs. S. T. Rorer 45 Pages PDF Ebook With Master Resale Rights. Everything you need to know about cooking eggs! - eBook Contents - Chapter 1: Cooking of Eggs de Lesseps Meyerbeer a la Reine au Miroir a la Paysanne a la Trinidad Rossini Baked in Tomato Sauce a la Martin a la Valenciennes Fillets a la Suisse with Nut-Brown Butter Timbales Coquelicot Suzette en Cocotte Steamed in the Shell Birds' Nests Eggs en Panade Egg Pudding a la Bonne Femme To Poach Eggs Eggs Mirabeau Norwegian Prescourt Courtland Louisiana Richmond Hungarian Nova Scotia Lakme Malikoff Virginia Japanese a la Windsor Buckingham Poached on Fried Tomatoes a la Finnois a la Gretna a l'Imperatrice with Chestnuts a la Regence a la Livingstone Mornay Zanzibar Monte Bello a la Bourbon Bernaise, a la Rorer Benedict To Hard-boil Creole Curried Beauregard Lafayette Jefferson Washington au Gratin Deviled a la Tripe a l'Aurore Chapter 2: 111 EGG Recipes a la Dauphin a la Bennett Brouilli Scalloped Farci Balls Deviled Salad Japanese Hard en Marinade a la Polonnaise A la Hyde a la Vinaigrette a la Russe Lyonnaise Croquettes Chops Plain Scrambled Scrambled with Chipped Beef Scrambled with Lettuce Scrambled with Shrimps with Fresh Tomatoes with Rice and Tomato with Asparagus Tips Egg Flip Chapter 3: Omelets Omelet with Asparagus Tips with Green Peas Havana with Tomato Sauce with Oysters with Sweetbreads with Tomatoes with Ham With Cheese with Fine Herbs Spanish Jardiniere with Fresh Mushrooms O'Brien with Potatoes Chapter 4: Sweet Omelets Omelet a la Washington with Rum Swiss Souffle a la Duchesse Souffle Upon payment, 111 Egg Recipes is delivered via email in PDF format and is viewable on any computer. All you need is Adobe Reader which is available free and already on most computers. You can download the latest version for free! Copy this web address and paste into browser - http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html? Thanks for looking!