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RustyRosieRiveter's profile picture


  • joined 08/25/08
  • active 09/22/08

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About Me

With dirt (very clean dirt) and printing ink under my fingernails, my partner Rust and I are on a quest to liberate industrial collectibles from their "junk status" and find them loving homes... this quest has led us to bazaars near and far. No telling what the inquisitive shopper might...

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My Favorite Sellers

  • Felicitations's profile picture

My Endorsements (1)

Felicitations says: August 25, 2008

Rosie is well known to me, she has immense expertise and is highly respected in the area of Antique and Vintage Industrial collectibles, manuals, ephemera and artifacts. She is also an artist, producing highly unique items printed on an antique press. A professional and organized seller who gives excellent service to her customers, many of whom come back again and again.